Castle Street Upper, Tralee, Co. Kerry

Mission Statement

Mission Statement

Sacred Heart Primary School, Tralee, is a National School, which operates under the patronage of the Catholic Bishop of Kerry, under the Trusteeship of the Presentation Sisters and fully supports the religious and educational philosophy of the founder Nano Nagle.  The school is committed to the aims and principles of the Primary School Curriculum (1999).  It celebrates the uniqueness of each child as expressed in each child’s personality, intelligence and potential for development.  The school seeks to nurture the child in all dimensions of his or her life – spiritual, moral, cognitive, emotional, imaginative, aesthetic, social and physical.


We in Sacred Heart Primary School seek to cherish and challenge children in a safe, secure and attractive learning environment.  We aim to provide quality learning experiences that are engaging, enriching and enjoyable through a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum.


The school sees itself as an integral part of St. John’s Parish and, in partnership with parents and the church, seeks to nurture the Catholic faith through religious education, preparation for the sacraments and through the ethos of the school.  This ethos is best exemplified through the quality of all relationships in the school, which are based on respect and dignity for each person – child, parent, teacher, principal, secretary, caretaker, classroom assistants and visitors to the school.


Sacred Heart Primary seeks to be a warm and welcoming place, respectful and accommodating of diversity in race, culture, religion, gender and ability.  We strive to provide an inclusive environment responsive to the needs of all, including travellers, refugees, foreign national children or children with special educational needs. We aim to promote equity in all areas and to provide extra support for any child with a learning disability, difficulty or other problem through our Learning Support / Resource Teacher allocation.


We value most highly our relationship with parents and the local community and seek to continue to work in partnership with parents to ensure that the best interest of each child is provided for.


The school is a learning community.  We promote and value life long learning for all, including staff.  We urge you to work in partnership with us, reinforcing for children the shared values of home and school.

We will light the lantern and go one step beyond.